Time-consuming and prone to error to check on expenditures list by the finance team. Ineffective financial operations resulted in increased administrative costs and slowed down decision-making processes.
Provide a smart AI technology in form of OCR which can analyze documents and reduce fraud activity by 90%.
~20 work hours / week
reduced from Finance team
Cut bill pay time
reduced from Finance team
Seamless effort payroll payment
A hassle for the finance team to make payments for multiple recipients by making singular transfers and high transaction costs if conducting interbanking transfer.
Bulk transfer feature, prepare the list of recipients and transfer all at once.
Overall approval time
reduced through a systemized approval workflow
77% banking transfer fee
reduced compared to interbanking transfer via bank
Administrative working hours
reduced from Finance to make multiple transfers to different accounts
Sahid Sudirman Center Level 23 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 86 Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat DKI Jakarta